FOMO Baby sleep hacks
Have you wondered if you have a FOMO baby, and if so how the heck can you make sleep easier?
Below is a check list of the most common traits of FOMO babies, if you read this and are sat there thinking YES YES YES THIS IS MY BABY! Then keep reading as I am going to share some hacks to help you navigate sleep with them!
I always called my son my little FOMO baby! I have no idea if this term in the sleep world was already out there or not, but it is now something I see being talked about a lot, and if you know you know!
Baby was alert from day one….
Even as a newborn they were doing things, you didn’t think newborn’s did, lifting their head, trying to roll onto their side etc.
Rarely show sleepy cues, as a young baby you didn’t think they needed to nap….
Fight sleep like their life depends on it, nap time, bedtime is always a battle!
Never stay still, hitting their milestones earlier than most babies…
Often stay awake way longer when out and about, as they don’t want to miss out!
Naps often need to be in a dark room with no distractions.
They are often very distracted feeders
You feel like you have tried everything & nothing helps….
Don’t worry I am going to share some hacks to navigate sleep with these babies, I have parented a child like this, and worked with hundreds!
Sensory Input
These babies are often early movers because they are sensory seekers, they do not feel sensory input as deeply, and crave more movement. A baby or child cannot sleep well if they have not had their sensory needs met, as their nervous system needs to be regulated. So a key piece here is inputting tons of sensory input into their day and bedtime routine.
If you have a small baby, lots of tummy time, swaddling can help, rolling, deep pressure massage. Older babies and toddlers; crawling, standing, once mobile, wearing a little back pack with a few items in to offer extra resistance, lots of bouncing, jumping, spinning. My baby sleep guide has a whole chapter on sensory.
Parents I work with find, once they add the right sensory input in, it makes sleep much easier to achieve. Settles get easier, quicker with a lot less rocking and bouncing!
Sleep Needs
These babies often do not need as much sleep as the average baby, so following standard wake windows will often not work. As you are trying to get them to sleep sooner than they actually need. Take a look at how long they are taking to fall asleep, anything longer than 20 minutes, quit! Extend the wake window until this is happening in 10-15 minutes.
Once you figure their wake window out, follow a structured routine,with nap timings, you cannot rely on cues from these babies. Ensure the sleep environment at home is boring, any slither of light or noise will stop them from sleeping. Naps on the go in situations they do not associate with sleep can work well, for example putting them in the car when they are due a nap, often they will sleep as they did not see sleep was coming!
I want to say, this is entirely influenced by temperament, you did not do anything to cause this, so please remember your child just loves life so much they do not want the days to end!
For more guidance on sleep with FOMO babies check out my baby sleep guide it offers tons of guidance and support for these little live wirers!